Are you progressing in your business and career the way you really imagined you would? With over 40 years of real estate, sales, and entrepreneurial endeavors, Bill specializes in helping mortgage and real estate professionals optimize their businesses and careers and to gain clarity and alignment within themselves and within their businesses so they can 2x or 3x their income without sacrificing their personal lives. Bill believes the best way to achieve optimal results is to design your business career, and life, to suit your innate genius and strengths. When you are aligned with a value-driven vision, backed by a clear roadmap to create it you will avoid procrastination, overwhelm, and other symptoms of being out of alignment. Bill has proven when your business is aligned with who you are, your clients and referral partners will feel it! Your results will show it! Bill invites you to book a session to begin to gain the clarity to create your business to serve your life, in your unique way.